CIFS Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina


Francuska škola CIFS Sarajevo trenutno ima 266 učenika raspoređenih u 15 odjeljenja/razreda. Škola na jednom mjestu okuplja učenike od jako male grupe Male škole (ecole Maternelle) do završne godine srednje škole -Terminale. Prostrana, tiha, svijetla i dobro opremljena školska zgrada izgrađena u austro-ugarskom stilu, odlična je osnova za podsticanje uspjeha za sve.


The French school is based on the French language, culture and educational curriculum.

An international school where multilingualism, cultural exchange, openness to the world and dialogue guide human relations.

A school where one learns and where the entire educational community (teachers, students, parents) constantly strives to perfect the pedagogical model.


The pillar of the intellectual and social development is the transmission of basic knowledge and general culture to our children.
Developing of basic competencies such as the desire to learn, rigor, creativity, critical spirit and curiosity.
Directing children to the treasury of the world by teaching them from an early age to speak multiple languages ​​and for cultural exchange.
Valuing talent.